[PDF] Stretto House Steven Holl Architects One House Ebook

Stretto House Architect Magazine Steven Holl

Architectura Amp Natura Ga Residential Masterpieces 06
Stretto House - Data, Photos & Plans - WikiArquitectura The Stretto House (1989 1992) in Dallas, Texas, was designed by American architect Steven Holl. The clients owned a magnificent collection of art and a special spot. They did not put any condition to the architect. Since the beginning of the project, Stretto house was ideal. Stretto House Architect Magazine Steven Holl ... Steven Holl Architects. Project Description. FROM THE ARCHITECT: Sited adjacent to three spring-fed ponds with existing concrete dams, the house projects the character of the site in a series of concrete block "spatial dams" with a metal framed "aqueous space" flowing through them. STRETTO HOUSE - STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS STRETTO HOUSE ... The main house is aqueous space: floor planes pull one space to the next, roof planes pull space over walls and an arched wall pulls light from a skylight. Materials continue the concept in poured concrete, cast glass in fluid shapes, slumped glass and liquid terrazzo. ... Steven Holl Architects

Stretto House Steven Holl Architects

Dab310 Chosen Exampler Stretto House By Steven Holl

Stretto House Steven Holl Architects

Stretto House Steven Holl Architects

Stretto House Steven Holl Architects
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